Last fall on a cloudy Saturday, I attended a talk that changed how I see certain things. Why nobody showed me this thing before?
Every Tuesday, I post a new story for this blog. If you read it regularly, you know that I am obsessed in finding how to make things work better and faster.
On that Saturday talk, the speaker showed us this formula:
If you make something 1% better every day, it gets 37.8x better ain a year. Isn’t that fascinating?
The Instagram story
Let’s look at Instagram. They launched the app in October 2010 and started with maybe 10-20 users at day 1. In December 2014, the app had 300 million users. Is this some crazy rocket-speed growth? No. The compound daily growth was just 1.09%. Yes, that’s right. Instagram grew only 1% a day.
My story since then
Wen come to work, I ask myself these questions: „What can I do today to grow the company 1%?“ „What can I do to improve 1% in something today?“
Yes, I admit that this principle is not 100% applicable to real life. But it helped me understand one thing: The growth is usually driven by small and persistent improvements rather than big jumps.
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