Sometimes, an older person comes to me when I park at night:
„Excuse me, sir, you forgot to turn off your headlights.“
„Don’t worry, they’ll turn off automatically in the few seconds,“ I answer.

I can’t wait the day when the story will go like this:
„Excuse me, sir, you just left your car in the middle of the street!“
I answer: „It’s actually not my car, but don’t worry, it’s picking up someone else around the corner in few seconds.“

I am big fan of shared economy, autonomous cars, I already shared a post on how this might help us have 3x less cars in future. What is your view on Autonomous cars, Uber and the future of mobility?


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Autor Jiri Benedikt

Trenér dovedností budoucnosti: Design thinking, Lean, Digi skills. Pomáhám lidem tvořit a růst v digitální době. Chodím po horách, lezu po skalách, ležím v knížkách.

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